Make Low-risk
extract knowledge
Shared understading
Democratizes insight
Wisdom is about the
long game
Understanding the ripple effects of decisions
Defining a project scope is a manual process of gathering raw,
unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols from various sources
But this data lacks context and meaning on its own
To extract value from this haystack the data needs to be
cleansed, organized and structured to make it meaningful
This is where the current tools leave it up to humans to interpret
the information or the best-of-breed might use AI to crunch it
But this still leaves decisions in the
high to moderate risk category
- like having a bag og flour and calling it a cake
it needs context to make it into a recipe
Mugato leapfrogs this with our process mining neural core
Our process intelligence connects you to your processes,
your teams to each other, and technology to your business
- the real value is hidden in the patterns leading to knowledge
Having the knowledge to make sound judgments and decisions,
understanding the long-term consequences and implications of actions,
leaves you at the top of te decision-making pyramid enabling
wise and low risk decisions